The Family of Man

By: Mary Ellen Flora

We are a large family. We are the human family of Earth. We need to remember both our spiritual and physical kinship. We are one spiritually through our unity in God and we are as one physically through our human bodies. We are spirit and we have physical bodies through which to create on Earth. As spirit we are part of a world family and of a united Cosmic family. Our physical bodies are linked by our spiritual unity and by the blood kinship of the human species.

In fact, recent archeological discoveries show that all humans share a matching DNA. This means that we originate from one mother and are literally brothers and sisters or “of one blood.” The studies show that our human species began in South Africa and over time spread around the world. As we traveled, we changed the bodies to meet the survival needs demanded by the new environment. Unfortunately, we have focused so much on the survival needs of our bodies that we became clannish, prejudice, and afraid of any body that looked different from our own group. We forgot that we are all physically related and of the same human family.

Worst of all, through our time on Earth, we forgot that we are spirit and lost our spiritual perspective. We lost the knowledge that we are part of the Divine and connected in and through the Divine. The more we focused on the survival needs of our bodies and developed differences of the bodies to respond to environmental demands, the more we moved away from our spiritual awareness and connectedness.

We longed for our Oneness and so created many religions, societies, and systems in our search for our natural Oneness. Through our religions some people regained their spiritual awareness. Other people found their path to Oneness through the teachings of spiritual messengers. Most souls creating through human bodies remained in the darkness of the material world without the light of spiritual awareness. Spirit in human bodies felt alone, isolated, and helpless because of their unawareness of their spiritual and physical connectedness.

In the present more people are awakening to their spiritual nature. Religion and science are coming closer together to shed light on who we are and our purpose on Earth. We are spirit and one in God. We have human bodies to create and communicate through and now know we are one in our human family. Spirit creating on Earth, through human bodies, is here to grow and mature enough to experience oneness. All who seek The Divine Source are conscious of this Oneness of spirit and body. Spiritual awakening is calling all of us. We need to answer and joyfully celebrate our family of humanity within the One.

While we have our nuclear family to nurture and educate us in the beginning of our life on Earth, we also have our extended world family to continue to nurture and educate us in our sojourn in this physical reality. We are interconnected in every way, through our spiritual union and through our physical creativity of our bodies and our planet. We are learning what a small planet Earth is as we discover how everything affects everything else. A volcanic eruption in Washington changes the weather patterns all over the world. A mother in a good mood sets up a chain reaction of happiness in her family, which goes to the workplace and to school.

Whether the planet is affecting us through an earthquake or we are affecting each other through our moods, every action causes a reaction. We affect our immediate family, our workplace, our community, our nation and our world by our choices, our beliefs and our behavior. We can create disturbance or peace and spread either one around us. We can choose to speak loudly or softly. We can change the mood of a group with a whine or a laugh. We can choose to be spiritually awake or asleep. We can embrace our Earth family or reject it.

When we do allow our spiritual awareness to awaken and flourish, we become aware of our divinity and the divinity of all others. We see our bodies as an extended family. We see our spiritual Cosmic family creating on every level through a joyous dance of love and light. When we need inspiration to achieve this spiritual view, it is helpful to remember our spiritual techniques.

We can return to spiritual awareness with joy. We can remember that we are part of the family of humanity and the family of God.

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