Light and Dark

By: Mary Ellen Flora

Do you believe one is better than the other? Light and dark are both part of the Cosmic Consciousness and equally important in creativity. If you judge one as better or worse that the other, you are out of balance. Without either, we eliminate an essential aspect of creativity, for example: night and day.

We all have aspects of light and dark within us. Our questions are the dark and our answers are the light. We create by asking and answering and growing through our continuous creativity. This balance of light and dark allows a spiritual perspective which appears as common sense.

Look at the night sky to see the importance of light and dark in Cosmic development. We humans cannot comprehend the Cosmic plan, but we can learn to use it in our personal process. Each of us is a spark of the Cosmos and is meant to use the Cosmic plan in our unique spiritual purpose.

Evaluate your life purpose to determine your use of light and dark in your creative process. Do you need to create a period of dark to experience and appreciate light? Acknowledging your questions or uncertainty can bring you to light or your answers. The old saying that “It is darkest before the dawn” is true on many levels.

An important part of balancing dark and light is to keep moving. When you do not resist your growth and stop your process, you move easily from one creative level to the next. Ask questions, receive answers and continue to create with your new perspective.

My life is a dance of light and dark and constant movement. I have loved and lost two wonderful husbands. My first late husband resisted his death and missed some of the joy of his spiritual transition. He focused more on the physical process than the spiritual transition. He fought his dark and took some unfinished business with him. My last husband created a death experience of light and love. We shared our love for each other and brought light into the dark time of a difficult, physical transition.

The easiest method I know to learn and grow and balance is to meditate. The dance of spiritual creativity through your physical body becomes easier and more graceful with meditation. Meditation helps you bring you, the spirit, into harmony with your body and balance your light and dark creative dance.

Meditation has made it possible for me to move through both periods of light and dark. Remember, answers can often be as challenging as questions so your meditation is always important.

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